Alex Hill Game Artist

Alex Hill Game Artist
Work 2013/2014

About the Artist

My name is Alex and I'm a Game Art Design graduate. I have a degree in Game Art Design. I graduated in 2009 at DeMontfort University in Leicester and I love games and everything about them.

I am currently seeking work at a games company where I can really show my talent as a Game Artist. To bide my my time until then I currently work at GameWorld Churchgate as the Assistant Manager.

I prefer to model Environments and Vehicles, I am competant with 3D Modelling, Concepting and Texturing (including Normal maps).

I created my final project using the Unreal 3 Engine and so I have experience with game engines, I'm always willing to learn, adapt and take on new and exciting challenges. I'm very competitive and always get things done.

My favourites:
Game: Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows Of Amn
There truly is no game that meets the standards of this one, yes I know the graphics are below par but the images it puts in your head as you play, the gripping story with all its twists and turns. I love its complex battle system the way it utilises so many functions to create a truly personalised game. I completed Dragon Age and felt it missed two characters, as it only has four compares to BG2s 6, the spell system was awful the story appeared short, the game was buggy and not as customisable.

Movie: Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Graphically ahead of its time... watching the T-1000 melt and mould itself was truly mesmerising, the fear you felt for the characters knowing that this machine the T-1000 was always on their tail. I loved the one liners, the cheesiness and the way every scene was full of action and drama. Every scene has a purpose towards the story.

Book: The Spine of the World by R.A.Salvatore
This is the first R.A.Salvatore book I picked up, and I was hooked on the story; in both the way it was written and the characters involved. The joke is that this book doesn't even have Drizzt in and it's still my favourite book!
R.A. Salvatore created a character called Drizzt Do'Urdan who is full of mystery, suspense and heroism. Drizzt's character is inspiring and always has a way of making you think.

Animal: Dog

Where: Leicester
I live in Leicester with my Fiancee concentrating on working/modelling/painting/etc.